Olivia Adams
Hi everyone!
My name is Olivia Adams, and I am the current president of the Alpha Gamma chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta! I am excited to offer you a warm welcome to our website, and share more about Theta with you!
All throughout my life I have valued sisterhood, which I have found plentiful in the soccer teams I have been involved in. Knowing my days of childhood soccer were over once I arrived at Ohio State, I was inspired to find that same sisterhood I have always held dear. Thus, I knew recruitment was for me, and not only did I find that same sisterhood, but I have also found so much more.
In my opinion, what will separate your perfect place from the rest are the values that each sorority holds. While many share the same values, each also possesses its own unique set. Throughout my journey, every time I stepped into Theta's house, I felt a resonance with the values I hold dear—such as acceptance, kindness, and authenticity. Having been a part of Theta for over a year now, I can confidently affirm that every woman here exemplifies these values daily, fostering an environment of acceptance that enriches us all. I feel privileged to belong to an organization where everyone encourages me to be the truest and best version of myself.
When I arrived at Ohio State, I believed I had already undergone significant personal growth, thinking I had a firm grasp on life. However, what I've come to realize through being in Theta is that I've merely scratched the surface of my potential growth. I'm thrilled for each of you because, while you may not yet foresee the specific ways in which you'll grow, rest assured, growth is inevitable and beautiful for you. Thus, my advice to you is to throw your unique self into the process. Whether that is during recruitment or when you’re a new member, I encourage you all to showcase what makes you, you!
I am so excited for you to begin your recruitment journey and learn even more about what Theta has to offer. I wish you the absolute best of luck with your process!
So much Theta love,
Olivia <3